
Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems - How They Are Relevant For Your Business

What Are Ultrasonic Cleaning TanksWhat Are Ultrasonic Cleaning Tanks

If there is one thing that we have learnt from the past year, it is that cleaning is vital! But it is not always an easy task. Well, ultrasonic cleaning systems (or baths) aid you in that task. It wipes grease, dirt, corrosion and other contaminants off objects with minimal effort.

This tool can be incredibly useful for a lot of different industries and professions. It may even be the tool that you never even thought you needed.

Here in this article, let us explain how and why…

So, What Are Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems?

An ultrasonic bath is the perfect production aid to help with any cleaning jobs for your workstation.

The device cleans items that are placed inside using 3 things. Water, ultrasonic waves, and an appropriate cleaning product.

They help to remove dirt, germs, and other contaminants from items in your workstation in a quick and easy way. Simply place them inside the bath and wait.

There are a wide variety of sizes that these products come in, with bigger industrial units all the way down to the more portable units. But each of these serve the same purpose, cleaning the items that you require through blasts of ultrasonic waves. It must be noted that these baths will not sterilise objects, simply clean them.

You can browse the ultrasonic baths we have here, with a variety of different sizes to suit your needs.

What Items Can You Clean In An Ultrasonic Tank?

So now you know the purpose of an ultrasonic cleaner, what are they commonly used for? These cleaners can be useful in more situations that you would imagine. There are a vast number of items that can benefit from the use of ultrasonic cleaning systems. Some of these items include:

Types Of Items That Can Be Cleaned In Ultrasonic TanksTypes Of Items That Can Be Cleaned In Ultrasonic Tanks

It must also be said that ultrasonic waves are also safe for use on even fragile materials such as glass or ceramics. They can often be used in settings such as tattoo parlours, dentists and other locations where cleaning is necessary.

So, as you can see, the types of businesses that would benefit greatly from the use of an ultrasonic cleaner in their workplace is vast.

Ultrasonic Cleaning BubblesUltrasonic Cleaning Bubbles

How Does Ultrasonic Cleaning Work?

As technical and fancy as the name of the product suggests, how an ultrasonic bath works is far less complex.

The cleaning process involves ultrasonic energy. This is introduced into the tank through transducers that will send vibrations through the water by the use of metal blocks.

These vibrations will create the ultrasonic energy that effectively cleans the items that are placed into the tank. This is the scientific summary for what happens in the tank.

In more laymen terms, the bubbles that you see generated in the tank, create a high temperature and a lot of pressure. As the bubble bursts upon contact with the items in the tank, it effectively acts as a microscopic brush that cleans off the dirt when the required chemical has been added.

Now that sounds like quite a lot of force being applied in the tank. You may be worried that fragile items could break. But you would be mistaken. The action is small enough to ensure that the tank creates a gentle but effective clean. Much better than doing it all by hand!

What Components Make An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

As you can see from the exploded view below, there are a lot of components that go into the makeup of an ultrasonic cleaner or bath. It shows everything that you can expect to have when you decide to purchase an ultrasonic tank.

Here is a quick breakdown of what each one is, and how they aid the ultrasonic cleaning process.

Components That Make Up An Ultrasonic TankComponents That Make Up An Ultrasonic Tank

Parts That Makeup Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems

The Tank Itself – Obviously, this would be included. Being the main bit of kit, it holds all the components together, allowing the process to take place. The tank itself is built to be extremely durable, being made of either stainless steel or aluminium. They come in varying sizes depending upon your needs, but this will be explained further down in the article.

The Transducers – These are what causes the vibrations in the tank and are usually found at either the bottom of the tank or sometimes the side.

Timer & Temperature Controls – These are found on the exterior control pad of the unit. Not all tanks have these, so check the specifications if this is a vital addition for you. The timer ranges from 1 minute to 99 minutes, with a temperature range of 20°C - 80°C.

Power Switch – This will toggle the power of the unit. On some ultrasonic cleaners, there is a sleep mode that will act as an automatic shut off.

Drainer – On our Kerry Ultrasonic Cleaners you can find a side mounted drain tap. This makes for an easy way to drain the solution once you have cleaned your items.

The Basket – You will also find a basket accompanying your ultrasonic cleaner purchase. This will be where you drop the items you wish to be cleaned and is placed into the top of your unit. The basket protects your items from any scratches or etches that could occur in the cleaning process.

Ultrasonic Tank BubblesUltrasonic Tank Bubbles

What Are The Benefits Of Using An Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Benefits Of Using An Ultrasonic Cleaning TankBenefits Of Using An Ultrasonic Cleaning Tank

Delicate And Non-Abrasive Clean

Cleaning with an ultrasonic tank is non-abrasive. The bubbles produced provide a clean that is both extensive and delicate. The transducers produce bubbles that implode on impact removing particles of dirt, grease, and other particles. This leads to a very delicate clean. Therefore, you can clean a number of delicate items including glass, lenses and more!

Clean multiple items at once

Depending on the size of bath that you purchase, and the size of the items that you need cleaned, you can often clean several items in one go. Just like how a dishwasher makes the washing up process easier, an ultrasonic cleaner lets you clean all your tools in one go. It reaches all the hard to reach crevices where a clean by hand would not be able to get to. And it does this on multiple items at the same time!

Confidence in a successful clean

When you rely on cleaning by hand, you are often faced with inaccuracies and discrepancies to the quality of the clean. When you use an ultrasonic cleaner however, this worry is eliminated. Each clean that is performed is programmed to be just as effective as the last, meaning that at the touch of a button you have an effective and accurate clean every time!

Time Efficient

One of the prime benefits of using an ultrasonic cleaning tank is that they are a time saver. All you need to do is place the items the items into the tank and wait for them to be cleaned. This way you can be more productive with your time whilst you wait for the ultrasonic waves to do the cleaning for you. Therefore, an ultrasonic cleaner saves you both time and money!

Which Ultrasonic Cleaning System Would Suit Me?

Types Of Ultrasonic Cleaning TankTypes Of Ultrasonic Cleaning Tank

Ultrasonic cleaning systems come in a variety of sizes. The size that you decide to purchase will be largely dependant upon your requirements (stating the obvious here we know).

The tanks differ in size so that they can accommodate varying volumes of solvent. Here we have included a small breakdown that will detail the cleaner that best suits your needs.

The sizes that tanks come in can be summed up with 3 main purposes:

Industrial Suited (Heavy Duty) - These cleaners are the largest available and therefore are capable of undertaking the large scale and heavy duty works. Industrial suited tanks produce the highest wattage from their transducers and are intended for more bulk usage. They are often constructed from stainless steel, aiding in their durability, with the generator detached from the tank itself. These types of cleaners are often required for production line cleaning or other environments that require heavy duty use. See an example of these units here.

Table top Ultrasonic Cleaners – Often the goldilocks of the range for most people’s requirements. These cleaners are more geared towards cleaning tools and more delicate items such as glass. The generators for these units are built into the tank this time making them compact enough to fit onto most desks without hogging all the space. The one drawback to these smaller units is that they are recommended for sporadic use and not meant to be switched on cleaning 24/7 in production environments. If you require these, we recommend purchasing the industrial suited unit detailed above. Having said this, these units are perfect for jewellers and health practitioners alike. Check out an example of these kinds of units here!

Smaller Portable Units - These are the small (often portable) units that cater for light cleaning. These can be used for a variety of household cleaning requirements such as on clothes, toys and even food (be careful to not use chemicals here though). For any kind of industrial or production line setting, these are seldom relevant. For that reason, these small units are more geared towards homeowners. You can find one of these kind of units on Amazon.

In Conclusion

Whether you are a small-time jeweller or run a large-scale production line, every business could benefit through the purchase of an ultrasonic cleaning tank.

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of how the cleaners work, along with how they could be of benefit to your business.

Should you wish to discuss the possible purchase of an ultrasonic cleaning tank or need more information for how they could be of benefit to your business give us a call on 023 8065 0065. Alternatively, you can drop us an email to [email protected].

Ultrasonic Cleaning BubblesUltrasonic Cleaning Bubbles