SOT Zero Ohm Jumpers For PCB Crossovers
SOT Zero Ohm Jumper For PCB Crossovers | Topline
Browse our range of SOT jumpers, with many different ranges and custom configurations available. See specifications tab for a breakdown of the Topline Part Number System.
Range Of SOT Jumpers Available
Jedec Transistors
How To Order SOT Zero Ohm Jumpers With Kaisertech
When you require an SOT Jumper, we need only know what your need is, the application and the size. Any sketches or schematic jumper connections you could provide will aid us in determining the optimal jumper for your PCB.
Alternatively, you can fill in our PCB Jumper questionnaire (see downloads tab). Fill this out and email it across to [email protected] and we will come back with the solution and competitive quote.
If you already know the Jumper series and variation that you require, contact us and we can provide a quotation upon request.
What Are Zero Ohm Jumpers?
A zero ohm jumper conducts the current / bridge over and around tracings on a PCB (even when the trace is on a 45 degree angle.
They can be used as a means of replacing obsolete components on the fly or to redesign a circuit after the board is in production. This gives PCB designers creative means of re-routing, even when on a single sided board.
SOT jumpers mount onto your PCB using regular SAC305 lead free solder paste, like regular components. The most common configuration involves pin 1 being shorted to pin 3 or pin 2 to pin 3. However, we have many variations available, even covering versions with up to 8 shorted pins. Call us, or send us your enquiry by email for a competitive quote on your SOT jumpers.