
Static Control

Frequently asked questions to learn before contacting support.

Do I need a benchtop or overhead Ioniser for my workplace?

Depending on the size of your workstation, the ioniser that you decide to purchase will be different. Both units will operate the same, neutralising static charge through the production of a balanced source of both positive and negatively charged ions. Their most appropriate customer will vary however.

Do heel grounders need to be worn on both feet?

Yes they do. In order to keep for the product to effectively ground the electrostatic discharge, both feet need suitable ESD protection. This is in accordance with IEWC 61340-5-1. You can browse our range of ESD Heel Straps or ESD footwear here.

What is an electrostatic protected area (EPA)?

In short, an electrostatic protected area is a space where all surfaces, objects, people, and devices are kept at the same electrical potential.

Properties Of The Sievi Shoes Range

Click here for a breakdown of the different properties that Sievi shoes have. Here we explain the icons that you see in the description of all Sievi shoes.

What is the recommended cleaning process for ESD clothing?

Great care must be taken at all times when washing your ESD garments. ESD clothing is made from carbon-suffused monofilament nylon. This is particularly sensitive to heat, alkaline/acidic solutions, softeners, and bleaches.

What risk does electrostatic discharge (ESD) pose to my business?

People are often unaware of the sheer harm that ESD can cause within a manufacturing environment. The circuitry in modern electronic equipment can suffer lasting and catastrophic damage through the transfer of static electricity.

There are 2 main kinds of risk that are posed from ESD damage, these are:

Complete Failure – The static charge will have created a fault that results in a complete failure of the equipment. This can be due to melting, oxide failure or a junction breakdown.

Delayed Failure – Partial degradation of the circuitry in your device can be caused through an ESD event. This can result in a latent defect which can impact the effectiveness of your equipment or cause your device to have a complete failure later down the line.

What is the difference between ESD and anti-static?

It is often a common misconception that these two mean the same thing. But they are not interchangeable, and products labelled as such have different properties that you must pay attention to.

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