
FAQ Search Results

What voltage should be used for ASA screwdrivers?

You should always ensure that you use the correct voltage that is advised for your particular tool. This can be found by carefully checking the voltage that can be seen on the power supply or by checking the manual to find the correct voltage. Only ever plug your tool into a power source that has the correct voltage.

What should I do if my screwdriver power cord gets damaged?

Should you notice that your screwdriver has become damaged, it is highly advised that you stop using the tool with immediate effect. You should ensure that it is both unplugged and replaced as broken screwdrivers can cause electric shocks, or even short circuit, creating a potential fire hazard.

What considerations should I make when bringing an electric screwdriver into a working environment?

There are several precautions that you should take in order to ensure the safe use of an electric screwdriver. These are as follows:

  • Do not use the tool in high temperatures.
  • Refrain from use in high humidity environments.
  • Avoid using near flammable materials.
  • Keep the power cord away from tools and equipment that could scrape or melt your screwdriver.

What is the difference between pneumatic and electric torque screwdrivers?

There are two primary differences between both of the types of screwdriver.

Pneumatic Driver – These are powered by compressed air. Compressed CO2 will drive a pneumatic motor inside the driver. A gear reduction system is also built in to allow the user to select their desired torque range.

Electric Driver – The ideal tool for high volume assembly line work. These are designed to shut off once the pre-set torque has been achieved. With an electric screwdriver you can ensure the consistent quality of your production line.

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